Japan is a well-developed country located in eastern Asia on a Pacific ocean. This great land surrounds approximately 6, 852 islands. Usually, it is well-recognized as the beginning of the sun rising. This state has round about four major regions which border approximately 97% area of the country. These regions are also known as home islands such as, • Honshu • Hokkaido • Kyushu • Shikoku It is a European state and legitimate kingdom. The recent president is Mr. Akihito. The country consists of 47 territories in eight areas. Japan ranks 10th leading country in the world because it has about three lak seventy-seven thousand nine hundred and seventy-three-kilometer squares area with over 127 million citizens. Japan has a number of cities but Tokyo is the prime city. The official cash form is ¥ (Yen) or JPY. Foreign Relations: Japan has very valuable relationships with its surrounding neighbor countries such as it is closely linked to the United-States of America and South-Korea. In fact, this state was compacted by the U.S in the 2nd World War after that both of these countries have highly preserved the economic and security system. Japan has also signed a resistance settlement paper with Australia in 2007 and with India in 2008. It ranks as 5th country as a donation provider in the world as it has maintained a worldwide ambassadorial network. It has a well reputable membership in • G8 • Apec • Asean Plus Three • East Asia Summit Traveling to Japan: Japan is a famous country. The citizens of this country are a little same to Chinese people. The people make a visit to this developed country for various reasons such as, • Study or education • Work or employment • To visit the famous historical places • To see the family members or relatives. Well, the Japan migration unit has established a new immigration policy which is very important to know for the latest travelers. According to this immigration strategy, the visa types of foreign workers are being grouped into five main grouping. 1. University lecturer and lawyers with valuable understanding, skills and talents. 2. The greater part of general population is living in the country because of their legal positions. They can be permanent residents in some future. There are no limitations to their professions. The same rule is for some special foreign citizens for example Koreans. 3. There are established a good training programs for the trainees and internees and this is often known as the Technical Intern Training Program. Actually, this type of program is planned to shift the skills and talents toward underdeveloped countries such as Pakistan and India. In this way, the people will work in firms, factories or in industries for a particular time period and they will get compensation for their work. 4. Many people also appointed for the selected types of work and they get paid. This sort of working includes nursing and care-worker applicants to visit Japan in accordance with financial association agreements. 5. Some people are like to engage in particular activities outside their visa status. For example, the outside students who are engaging in part-time jobs in restaurants or departmental stores. More briefly, the Japan administration has planned to introduce 2 new visa categories. The first category is for overseas workers having special skills and talents. The people of this category can live for round about 5 years but there is no permission to bring the family members or relatives. Second visa status is designed for workers who have higher level skills. These visitors are fully allowed to bring their family members and relatives such as spouse and kids etc. In agreement of some specific rules & regulations, these workers can live in this state forever. Necessary Documents: To make a visit to Japan, the following documents need to be have, • Application for certification of being qualified. • A legitimate passport with a minimum duration of 6 months. • Proof about refugee travel document. • Proof about a job letter. • Proof about all sufficient financial resources. • Certifications of all academic activities. • A copy of the flight schedule. Procedure: Some important rules are listed below, • The foreigner or an outsider must have a valid visa permit obtained from the consulter office of Japan. • The activities, in which a foreign visitor is concerned, should be correct as in application form. • The time period for which a foreign visitor is going to stay should be in accordance with the Bureau of justice rule. Now there are some other authorities according to which the entrance of the visitors can be banned. • The visitors for whom the landing is critical because of their health or character problem. • The visitor can be banned because of some misunderstanding in past experiences. • Because they were being banished from the country. • Or they are /were a source of insecurity or threatening agents for Japan.